BioSync KBF-ENR1 Setup Guide

BioSync KBF-ENR1 Setup Guide

1.0 Introduction

The ENR-1 is a desktop card reader with fingerprint reader that allows you to quickly and easily enroll EM and Mifare Card Serial Number (CSN) credentials plus HID 125KHz and Keri NXT 125KHz cards into the BioManager software. It requires no drivers to be installed. Simply connect the ENR-1 to an available USB port and you are ready to go. The ENR-1 is ideal for when you do not know the number that is programmed into your cards.

ENR-1 Enrolment reader


 2.0 KBF-ENR1 Features

  • EM and Mifare Card Serial Number Reader
  • Reads EM Proximity Cards 125KHz (ISO 4100)
  • Reads Mifare Cards 13.56MHz (Classic, CSN, Ultralight and Desfire)
  • Read range 1 to 8cm
  • USB powered
  • Enables easy card enrollment
  • No installation or drivers
  • 3 LEDs and an internal buzzer
  • ABS housing

Note: The BioManager software supports multiple client connections, but if using a USB reader, the client on the PC with the reader connected will be the only operator that will see the reader (It will be hidden for operators connected from other workstations).

3.0 ENR-1 - Detecting the Card Format

  1. Log into the BioManager client.
  2. Double-click the Users icon.

    BioManager Users Icon

  3. Click the NEW USER button at the bottom of the screen.

    BioManager New User Button

  4. Connect the ENR-1 reader into a USB port on the host PC.
  5. The ENR-1 will be automatically detected and two new icons will be visible in the BioManager client.

    New Icons

    Note: The icon highlighted above in blue may be slightly different, depending upon the exact model of BioSync enrollment reader you are using.

    Note: The two additional icons will remain on the screen for the duration of time that the USB reader is connected to the PC (even if you have a different BioSync reader selected for enrollment purposes).

  6. To the left of the blue icon you will see a READ CARD DETAILS button. Use this button if you are unsure what format is enrolled into the card. Simply place the card/fob onto the ENR-1 reader and leave it there while you click through the available formats.
  7. The green icon is used for presentation enrollment.
  8. When the correct format card is detected the reader will beep multiple times and you will see an amber LED.
  9. The credential type window will appear displaying the specific card format, plus the detected card ID - The Card ID is the number that you need to make a note of:

    Detected Card

  10. Close the card type window now that you know the format.


 4.0 ENR-1 Presentation Enrollment

  1. Log into the BioManager client.
  2. Double-click the Users icon.

    BioManager Users Icon
  3. Click the NEW USER button at the bottom of the screen.

    BioManager New User Button
  4. Enter a new User name
  5. Plug the ENR-1 into an available USB port.
  6. Place the card onto the ENR-1 reader.
  7. To enroll the card click the icon highlighted below while the card is still resting on the reader.
  8. The Card ID will be automatically detected and displayed.

    Detected Card

  9. Click the SAVE NEW button.

    Save New Button

  10. The new cardholder record will automatically be assigned the Unlimited access level and will therefore be sent out to all the online BioSync readers.
  11. You are now ready to enroll fingerprints or add access codes.


5.0 Enrolling the Card into Doors.NET

The card is now enrolled in BioManager and has been sent to the BioSync reader(s) on the network but you now have to enroll the same User ID (Card number) into Doors.NET:

Detected Card

  1. From within Doors.NET, go to Home >> Cardholders.
  2. Enter a last name and a first name (optionally a middle name).

    New DNET Record

  3. Deselect Calculate Internal Number.

    Deselect Calculate Internal

  4. Set the status to Active.

    Set Active Status

  5. In the Cardnumber field, enter the unique card number you have already detected and enrolled into the BioManager software.
  6. Press the Add Card button.

    Add Card Button

  7. The unique card number will appear in the white credentials box.

    New Credential

  8. You should now test the card by setting a KBF-2SC reader into Card OR Finger mode (right-click the reader in BioManager >> Properties >> Set Entry Mode)... then present the card at the KBF-2SC.
  9. The LED on the reader should go green and you should see an access granted event in live events.

    Access Granted in Live Events

  10. Refer to the separate BioSync reader setup guides for information about fingerprint or access code enrollment.

 Standalone PDF is attached.

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