Reader Settings

Reader Settings

1.0 Introduction

The following section explains how to modify and use all the reader settings that are supported by NXT and NXT-MSC controllers when using Borealis. 

2.0 Reader Settings (NXT Controller)

To access the settings of a reader connected to an NXT controller:
  1. From within Borealis, go to Hardware >> Readers. All the readers on the system will be displayed.

  2. On the right-side of the screen, click on the Actions drop-down list and select Edit.
  3. The reader edit window will appear.

    Description - The name of the reader.
    Enabled - Allows you to toggle between the reader being enabled and disabled.
    Keypad Enabled - When selected it configures the reader to support the Card + PIN feature (requires a combination keypad and reader).
    Auto Unlock Schedule - Allows you to assign a schedule to the readers that will program the door to lock and unlock at certain times during the day.
    Enable Door Contact - Enables the door contact for monitoring the open/closed status of the door.
    Strike Timing - Max - The maximum amount of time that the door will unlock.
    Strike Timing - ADA/DDA - The additional amount of time that the door will unlock for cardholders programmed with the extended timing option (ADA/DDA).
    RTE Circuit Type - Specifies the Request-to-Exit input circuit type.
    - Operating Mode - The operating mode of the Request-to-Exit input (momentary or continuous).
    Do Not Pulse Strike on RTE - Configures the RTE input to not unlock the door when activated.

3.0 Reader Settings (NXT-MSC Controller)

To access the settings of a reader connected to an NXT-MSC controller:

Note: Additional settings will become available if the system uses Card + PIN and keypads. These additional settings are covered in the Card + PIN setup guide.
  1. From within Borealis, go to Hardware >> Readers. All the readers on the system will be displayed. The readers list will display the reader names, the controller that the reader is connected to, the site and hub that the controller is communicating with, the controller hardware type, the reader status (if the reader is online or offline), the reader Manufacturer Model and if the reader is included in the Borealis subscription.

  2. On the right-side of the screen, click on the Actions drop-down list and select Edit.
  3. The reader edit window will appear.

    - Description - The name of the reader.
    - Enabled - Allows you to toggle between the reader being enabled and disabled.
    - Keypad Enabled - When selected it configures the reader to support the Card + PIN feature (requires a combination keypad and reader).
    - Auto Unlock Schedule - Allows you to assign a schedule to the readers that will program the door to lock and unlock at certain times during the day.
    - Default Online Mode - Specifies the Default Online Mode of the reader after power-up or following a controller reset.
    - Enable Door Contact - Enables the door contact for monitoring the open/closed status of the door.
    - Strike Timing - Min - The minimum amount of time that the door will unlock.
    - Strike Timing - Max - The maximum amount of time that the door will unlock.
    - Strike Timing - ADA/DDA - The additional amount of time that the door will unlock for cardholders programmed with the extended timing option (ADA/DDA).
    - RTE Disable Schedule - Disables the Request-to-Exit function during the specified schedule.
    - RTE Circuit Type - Specifies the Request-to-Exit input circuit type.
    - Do Not Pulse Strike on RTE - Configures the RTE input to not unlock the door when activated.

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