The Block Enroll feature allows you to enroll a sequentially numbered block of credentials via the Credentials screen. Up to 100 credentials can be enrolled into Borealis in a single operation. Supported credential types are Keri NXT, Keri MS and most commonly used Wiegand formats (excluding MIFARE Card Serial Numbers).
The Presentation Enrollment feature allows you to utilize any reader on the system to function as an enrollment reader simply by presenting the new credentials to the reader.
When the system is in Presentation Enrollment mode the programmed card data will be displayed in live events and multiple presented credentials will be displayed in a list. You can then select the presented credentials and then enroll them into the system as new cardholder records - or you can simply use the feature to enroll a single, new credential into the system.
Presentation enrollment is very useful for enrolling credentials which have an unknown internal card number, such as MIFARE CSNs (Card Serial Numbers) or for credentials where the imprint is known but the programmed facility code is unknown.
Corrected a display issue following a Doors.NET to Borealis conversion where a linked
reader was not showing in strike output properties.
Corrected a display issue where a REX1 input was configured as ‘No Unlock (Shunt)'
but the REX1 input was incorrectly displaying Continuous in reader property input settings.
NXT-MSC - Removed the option to delete the Beeper Control setting in the reader properties.
This setting should always have a valid selection and not an empty field.
NXT-MSC – Corrected a display issue where the REX1 and REX2 circuit type and operating
mode fields were not always showing as populated.
PXL - Removed the option to delete the REX/RTE Operating Modes, LED and Buzzer Mode
setting in the reader properties. These settings should always have a valid selection and not
an empty field.
Authentic Mercury - Corrected a display issue where the specific Authentic Mercury controller
types were not displaying in the Controller Type filter of the Controllers screen.
Corrected a time schedule programming issue where the user interface was not allowing 00:00
as a valid time interval start time.
Corrected the time format for temporary cardholder activation and expiration time setup to
be 24-hours - to be consistent with the time format of other areas of the user interface.
Corrected a display issue when quickly toggling between the Action menu of different hardware
types. The displayed menu options would not always accurately reflect the supported options
for the selected hardware type.
Removed an unnecessary REX2 Operating Mode field in the reader properties as a REX2 input
cannot operate at a different mode than a REX1 input.
Corrected an operator permissions issue when an operator added to the Operator Manager's
role could not edit cardholders, create credentials or create access rights even though these
permissions were selected in the assigned operator role.
P/N: 02426-001 Rev. F |