Display Live Video From an Alert
1.0 Introduction
Doors.NET can be configured to display a live video window if a specific event occurs at the hardware object that the camera is associated with. For example; you can display a live video window if there is a door-forced event at the reader. This is achieved by using a filter - the filter has the specific event set to 'Require Acknowledgment' and then this filter is assigned to the reader. Additional functionality can be applied to the filter by using Device Types - you can configure a device type to generate a sound at the PC and you can set the alert to require notes or a password from the operator. The next steps explain how to setup an alert for when a door-forced event occurs.
Note: This section assumes you have already followed the steps to add and setup your camera(s) in Doors.NET
8.1 Select the Event Type in Filters
- In Doors.NET, go to Setup >> Filters.
- Select the existing Standard Filter.
- Click on the Messages tab.
- Ensure the Reader Contact - Forced Open event is selected.
- Click on the Acknowledge tab.
- Ensure the Reader Contact - Forced Open event is selected.
![Door Forced Event Selected](https://www.keri-kb.com/Content/DoorsNET/Video_Plugin/Images/Door_Forced_Event_Selected.png)
Save the filter.
A device type should now be configured. The device type is where you select to view live video.
- In Doors.NET, click on Setup >> Device Types.
- Click ADD DEVICE TYPES button or select one of the existing device types.
- In the properties on the right, ensure Show Video is selected.
- Save the Device Type.
8.3 Assign the Filter and the Device Type
The filter should now be assigned to the reader which has a camera associated with it:
- In Doors.NET, go to Setup > Hardware Setup >> All.
- Expand the hardware tree and select the appropriate reader. The reader properties will be on the right.
- Ensure Advanced View is enabled for the hardware properties.
- Locate the Monitoring section.
- Set the correct filter to the reader.
- Set the correct device type to the reader.
- Set Require Acknowledgment to Yes.
- Save the reader settings.
8.4 Viewing the Live Video
- Generate the door-forced event at the designated reader.
- An alert will appear in the software.
- At the same time, a live video window will appear.
- Click the PLAY button to view what is happening, physically at the reader.
The live video feed from the camera should then appear.
- You can re-size the video window and can also move it to a different monitor (for example; if you wish to confirm the alert).
9.0 View Recorded Video Clips
The following steps explain how you can configure Doors.NET to associate video recordings with an alert.
- To retrieve H.264 recorded video clips from an AXIS camera, you will need to install the Axis Media Control SDK. The SKD can be downloaded from the following location: https://kerisys.sharefile.com/d-s55b32be11c09457983ea84742fc85def
- There is no guarantee that recorded video exists at the camera for the Doors.NET event timestamp - some cameras are edge devices that may or not have an SD card for video storage.
- These video recordings are not stored in the Doors.NET client - they are retrieved from the camera's recorded video storage location.
- The camera must be already be configured for recording.
- All Axis cameras require an on-board SD-card for video storage.
- Some Axis camera models also have AI level (i.e face detection or vehicle) in addition to basic motion.
- Many cameras will send video clips to be saved at the NVR or a cloud source.
- Pre-pre/post event settings has a minimum value of 5. If it is set to lower that 5 it will default to 5 regardless.
9.1 Steps to View Recorded Video Clips
The following steps explain how to view recorded video clips for a camera that has been associated with a reader.
- Add a camera and then associate the camera with a hardware object (for example, a reader).
- Select the reader and verify that you can view live video from the camera (click on the eye icon).
Close the live video window.
- Generate an an event at the reader (for example; access granted, access denied, door forced, etc).
In live events, in the icon column, you will see a camera icon. If you do not see the icon column you will need to use the field chooser to display the column.
- Double-click the camera icon and you will see a message prompting you to view video playback. Click YES.
If video exists at the camera, the video clip will be displayed.
- By default you will see 10 seconds before the event (Pre Event) and 10 seconds after the event (Post Event) - So a 20 second playback (+/- 10 seconds from event time) is the default. These settings can be configured in the camera settings within Doors.NET.
Note: These video recordings are not stored in the Doors.NET client - they are retrieved from the camera's recorded video storage location.
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