Door/Reader Settings in Visual Doors

Door/Reader Settings in Visual Doors

Door/Reader Setup

Note: Not all the reader settings listed below are available for every controller type.

Reader Description

Add a description for the door to identify its location.

Reader Description


Enable/Disable the Reader

Allows you to quickly toggle between the reader being disable or enabled.

Reader Enabled


Manufacturer Model

If you have manually added a controller or if you have scanned for, and imported an MSC controller, you will need to set the manufacturers model (reader type). Adding a controller using Auto Config will detect the correct manufacturer model automatically.

Reader Model


Held Open Time

Adjusting the door held open time determines how long the door can be held open before the reader goes into an alarm state (the reader will be constantly beeping and the LED will be flashing red). The door held open option is enable in the Door Forced/Held setting of the PXL and NXT controllers and in the Beeper Control setting of MSC controllers.

Held Open


Enrollment Reader

You can set any reader on the system as an enrollment. You can enroll a new card by presenting it to the reader and the card details are automatically detected.

Enrollment Reader


Strike Timing

The Strike Timing settings determined how long the door is opened for, following a valid card read, an exit button being pressed, or the door being temporarily unlocked via the Visual Doors software. You might have strike time set to 10 seconds and the door held open time set to 25 seconds.

Strike Timing Max


Strike Timing - DDA

There is a DDA Strike Time setting to assist cardholders with disabilities. When DDA-configured cardholders present their cards, the door will unlock for an extended period of time.

Reader DDA Settings

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