Auto-Unlock Time Schedules

Auto-Unlock Time Schedules

1.0 Introduction

Auto Unlock Time Schedules are used to automatically open and then close doors at certain times of day (they are assigned to doors as Auto Unlock Schedules).


An auto unlock schedule may have one interval consisting of a single start (open) time and a single end (close) time. This might be a front door for customers to gain entrance to the premises during normal working hours. The AUL schedule would automatically open the door at the beginning of the day and close it at the end of the day.


An Auto Unlock/Lock (AUL) schedule may however, have multiple intervals which will program a door to automatically unlock and lock at several different times during the day. An example might be perimeter doors at a school where the doors are configured to open and close in the morning, at break times, lunchtime and to remain closed at the end of the working day and throughout the weekend.


The AUL Time Schedule may be Suspended for a time and then Restored by an operator- this will allow the door to be manually commanded from the software without any interference of the AUL schedule.



2.0 Auto Unlock Schedule Setup

  1. To create a new AUL Schedule , click on Home >> Time Schedules.


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  1. Click the Add icon to add a new Time Schedule.


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  1. A new time schedule will appear in the schedules list along with a default, inactive time interval.

AUL - Setup - Image 3


  1. Highlight the default name of the new schedule (New Schedule X) - The schedule properties will appear on the right.
  2. In the description field re-name the schedule (then save) .


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  1. Highlight the default interval, this will be the first AUL interval.
  2. Set the Start Time to determine when you first want the door to automatically unlock.
  3. Set the End Time to determine when you first want the door to automatically lock.
  4. Select the days of the week you wish for this interval to be applied (then save).


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  1. Highlight the new schedule name and click the Add Time Interval icon again to add a second interval.


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  1. The second interval could be the lunchtime interval. Again, define a start and end time and select the days of the week you wish the interval to be active on.


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  1. Repeat the process for any additional intervals you wish to apply to the time schedule.


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  1. When you create a schedule you will notice that the 'Activate on Holiday' settings are all set to No. This means if there are any holidays defined on the system the interval will not activate. If you DO wish the interval(s) to activate on certain holiday dates then ensure the associated holiday type is set to yes.


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Click here for further information about how Holidays are used in combination with Time Schedules.



Note: Depending on which hardware/controller type you are using there are different limitations in terms of the maximum number of intervals that can be applied to each interval. The limitations are as follows:


Time Schedule Limitations


Hardware TypePXLNXTMercury Powered
Time Schedules3264255255255255255
Intervals per Day4121212121 (a)12
Intervals per Week2850848484n/a84


(a) Only one interval is allowed per time schedule.



3.0 Assigning an AUL Schedule

To assign the AUL schedule to a door:

  1. Click on Setup >> Hardware Setup >> All to display the hardware tree.
  2. Locate the reader you wish to assign the AUL schedule and highlight the reader.

    AUL Setup - Image 9

  3. In the reader properties on the right locate the General settings.
  4. Locate Auto Unlock Schedule and select the new time schedule from the drop-down list (then save).

    AUL Setup - 10

  5. The door will now follow the auto unlock/lock times defined in the intervals that make up the time schedule.
  6. Events will be generated within Live Events indicating when the door has automatically locked and unlocked.

    AUL Setup - Image 12

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