Doors32™ - Cardholder Enrollment

Doors32™ - Cardholder Enrollment

Presentation Enrollment

Presentation Enrollment allows you to use the first reader on the controller network to automatically detect the card information. This method is best used when there are only a few cards to enroll or when the cards are not in sequential order. The cards must be on-hand to be enrolled. The enrollment reader is the "A" reader connected to the primary controller (controller #1) of a PXL proximity controller. When using a PXL Wiegand controller you can use the "A" reader, "B" reader or both readers.



  • If you are using the Card+PIN feature in connection with the P-650 Card+PIN Proximity Reader and Keypad, you cannot enroll by presenting to a reader. Follow the instructions for block enrollment in the next section.

  • If you are using a mixed PXL/EntraGuard system where users need to be given both a card and a User ID, follow the instructions in Entraguard User Enrollment section.


  1. To presentation enroll new cardholders, click on the first icon (the gold key).

    Users Icon

  2. These two icons will be added to the tool bar Users Icon - Spreadsheet  User Icon Dialog and the Setup Users spreadsheet window appears... If the Setup User spreadsheet window does not appear then click on the Users Icon - Spreadsheet icon.

  3. Click on the Enroll Button button. If the Doors program is not connected to the access control network, the program will automatically connect. The Enroll Cards window appears:

    Enroll Window

  4. If you are using PXL Proximity controllers, click on the 'I Want to Enroll Keri Cards' button.

    Keri Button

  5. If you are using PXL Wiegand controllers, click on the 'I Want to Enroll Wiegand Cards' button.

    Read Wiegand Button

  6. The Enroll cards window changes for card enrollment.

  7. Click on the Start Enroll Start Enroll Button button. If the Doors program is not connected to the access control network, the program will automatically connect.
  8. The “A” reader on the primary controller is used for reading cards being enrolled. The reader’s LED blinks green slowly to indicate it is ready for enrolling cards.

    Note: The reader/controller is not available for any other use during the card enrollment process – any attempts to use a door associated with the primary controller might disrupt the card enrollment process and will be denied until card enrollment is complete.

  9. Present the first card to the enrollment reader. The reader will beep to indicate the card was read successfully and the card information will appear in the Enroll Cards window.

  10. If you have additional cards to present, present them now... one-after-the-other - each time a card is presented the reader will beep and the card enrollment window should look similar to this image:

    Enroll Multiple Cards

  11. Once all cards have been enrolled and are displayed, click the Stop Enroll button.

    Stop Enroll Button

  12. Click on the Finish Enrollment button.
  13. The confirmation display displays the number of cards you are about to enroll. Take a moment to check this number is correct. Click on the << BACK button or <<START OVER button to return to Enroll Cards window to make changes.
  14. Once you have verified the information is correct, click on the DO ENROLLMENT NOW Do Enrollment Now button. The cards are enrolled and the Enroll New Users window displays the enrollment results.

    Results Window

  15. Click DONE to complete the enrollment and close the Enroll New Users button.
  16. The Setup Users spreadsheet now contains the newly enrolled cards.

    Setup Users Spreadsheet

  17. To activate the cards, assigned them a valid access group, switch the cards on then click the SAVE button.

    SAVE Button

  18. To send the cards out to the network you will need to perform an update via the UPDATE NET button.


2.0 Block Enrollment

Block enrollment by card number range is best used when there is a large quantity of sequentially numbered credentials. This is true for Keri Systems Proximity Cards or for Wiegand formatted credentials. Cards or credentials do not have to be on-hand when using the block enrollment method, but you must have the facility code and ID range and they must be sequentially numbered. For non-Keri Systems, Wiegand formatted credentials, you must work with the manufacturer/supplier of the credentials to ensure that the sequential ID number list you have for the credentials correctly reflects the ID numbers programmed into the credentials.



  • Block enrollment by card number range is valid for “K” and “W” series Keri Proximity Cards (identified by a “K” or “W” prefix on the number printed on the body of the card). Block enrollment by card number range is not available for “C” series cards or key tags (used by older Keri Systems products).

  • For proper block enrollment of non-Keri Systems Wiegand formatted credentials, the Wiegand reader and the Wiegand credentials must transfer data in the 26-bit format defined in the Security Industry Association’s Wiegand Interface Standard (document number AC-01D-96) or in the Keri Systems Reference Document Processing Wiegand Format Card Data (P/N 01846-001). Proper enrollment cannot be guaranteed if either the Wiegand reader or the Wiegand credentials do not transfer data in this format.


  1. To block enroll new cardholders, click on the first icon (the gold key).

    Users Icon

  2. These two icons will be added to the tool bar Users Icon - Spreadsheet  User Icon Dialog and the Setup Users spreadsheet window appears... If the Setup User spreadsheet window does not appear then click on the Users Icon - Spreadsheet icon.
  3. Click on the Start Enroll Start Enroll Button button.
  4. If the cards to be enrolled are Keri Proximity cards, click on the I WANT TO ENROLL A BLOCK OF KERI CARDS button.

    Block Keri Cards Button

  5. If the cards to be enrolled are 26-bit Wiegand cards, click on the I WANT TO ENROLL A BLOCK OF WIEGAND CARDS button.

    Block Wiegand Cards Button

    Note: If you are using a mixed PXL/EntraGuard system where users need to be given both a card and a User ID, follow the instructions in the Doors32 Entraguard User Enrollment section.

  6. Locate the Keri/Wiegand Card Number Range field.
  7. Click in the Starting From field. Enter the card number for the first card in the range of cards to be enrolled (the lowest number). The card number is the second set of digits printed on the body of the card or fob. The card number will be more than 4 digits long. For example, if the entire number of the first card is K2847 1066155; the card number is 1066155, 7 digits long, as highlighted here.

    MS Card

  8. Locate the Keri/Wiegand Card Number Range field and click in the To field. Enter the card number for the last card in the range of cards to be enrolled (the highest number).
  9. Locate the Facility Code field. Click in the FACILITY CODE field and enter the facility code for the cards. Typically, the facility code will be found on the box that the cards or fobs were supplied in.

    - For Keri Proximity cards, facility codes may range from 0 to 31.
    - For 26-bit Wiegand cards, facility codes may range from 0 to 255.
    - The facility code is programmed into each card. To enroll cards, you must know the facility code programmed into the card.
    - If you do not know the facility code for the cards you are enrolling, please contact your card supplier for the facility code number before continuing the card enrollment    process.
    - If you are block enrolling non-Keri Wiegand cards, be sure you know the actual internal card numbers programmed into the cards and verify the internal numbers are in consecutive order. Using incorrect numbers and non-consecutive cards invalidate the block enrollment process.

  10. The default for User Assigned Card Numbers is to copy the card number from the Keri/Wiegand Card Number Range field. If there is a need for user assigned card numbers that are different from the card number printed on the body of the card, locate the User Assigned Card Numbers field. Click in the Starting field. Enter the user assigned number for the first card in the set (the lowest number). Numbers for the remaining cards will be assigned in ascending, sequential order from the first number.
  11. The resulting window should look similar to that shown below:

    Card Number Entry Window

  12. Click on the Finish Enrollment button.

    Note: If a large number of cards are being enrolled (greater than 5,000 cards at one time), it can take some time for the enrollment process to complete. A card quantity verification window appears to warn the operator of the time involved in enrolling a large number of cards at one time.

  13. Click on the DO ENROLLMENT NOW Do Enrollment Now button to complete the block enrollment.
  14. The cards are enrolled and the Enroll New Users window displays the enrollment results.
  15. Carefully examine the information displayed under Enrollment Results. This field will alert you to the number of cards successfully enrolled and if there were any duplicates.
  16. Click on the DONE button to close the Enroll New Users window. The Setup Users spreadsheet window now contains the newly enrolled cards.

    Setup Users Spreadsheet

  17. To activate the cards, assigned them a valid access group, switch the cards on then click the SAVE SAVE Button button.

  18. To send the cards out to the network you will need to perform an update via the UPDATE NET UPDATE NET button.


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