Edit Operator Roles/Permissions

Edit Operator Roles/Permissions

1.0 Introduction

The operator roles determine what areas of the user interface operators are able to access and administer after they have logged-in. By default, there are five different account roles; Owner, Super, Installer, Operators Manager and Sites Manager (but additional account roles can also be created).

Note: You will not be able to set a new operator with the Installer role.

Typically after a system installation has completed, the end user may then want to be added to the 'Super' role (or to a newly created role).

2.0 Edit Operator Role Permissions

The following steps explain how to edit the permissions for the ‘Installer’ account type.  Every user that is assigned the Installer account type will then be assigned these operator permissions:
  1. From the Borealis UI, click Operator Permissions from the main menu.
  2. The list of existing operator roles will appear. The default roles are: Owner, Super, Installer, Operators Manager and Sites Manager.
  3. Use the Action drop-down list for the Installer operator role and select Edit.

  4. The edit operator role form will appear - along with a list of all the possible permissions that can be applied to the role. 

    Note: The form also allows you to edit the name of this operator role. You can also add a description.

  5. Place a check mark against each of the permissions that should be applied to this role.

    Note: There are certain options that, when enabled or disabled, will enable or disable other associated permissions. For example;

    • If you enable cardholders -create, this will automatically enable cardholders update and delete - at the same time this will also apply the same options for credentials -  (because you need to be able to access cardholders when adding or editing credentials). The opposite is true when these options are disabled.

      Any option that you enable Create, you will also automatically enable Update and Delete for that option.

  6. When you have selected all the options to apply to this role, click the SAVE button.
  7. The operator role permissions will apply for the next time the operator logs into Borealis.

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