Enrolling a Mifare Card in Doors.NET

Enrolling a Mifare Card in Doors.NET

  1. From within Doors.NET go to Home >> Cardholders.
  2. Click the Add button.


  3. Enter a first name and last name.
  4. Then save save.

    New Mifare Card

  5. If the USB reader is still plugged into the host PC you should be seeing a USB Enroll button.

    USB Enroll Button

  6. Verify that Calculate Internal Number is NOT selected.

    Calculate Int Number

  7. Place the Mifare card on the USB reader.
  8. Click the USB Enroll button.
  9. The reader will beep and the LED will go green.
  10. The unique Mifare card serial number (CSN) will appear in the Cardnumber field.

    Mifare CSN

  11. Set the status to Active. It doesn't matter if you set the status before detecting the card as long as the status is set before you click the ADD CARD button.
  12. Click the Add Card button.
  13. The unique card number will then appear in the white Credentials window.
  14. This is the number that is processed by the controller.

    Mifare Credential Number

  15. You now have to go to the Access Rights tab to assign an access group to the cardholder.
  16. Once the access group has been assigned the active card will be sent out to the access control network.

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