Entraguard Autoconfiguration in Doors.NET
As well as detecting the primary controller type, all Entraguard secondary controllers (and PXL secondary controllers) are also
detected and added to the system using auto-config. Converted databases will, of course, already have the controllers listed
and PXL 1-door secondary controllers can be manually added to Doors.NET, but an auto-config MUST still be performed to
correctly detect the controller types and firmware revisions.
Once all the controllers are detected and the auto-configuration is complete, the Doors.NET database tables are populated
with all the controller information. The detected controllers will then appear in the relevant status grids and
in the hardware tree.
- To perform the auto-config, highlight the primary Entraguard controller.

- Click the Auto-Config icon.
- In the Status Message grid you should start to see regular transactions stating ‘PXL Primary controller is searching for secondary controllers.” It should take no longer that 2-3 minutes for the primaary controller to detect all the secondary controllers on
the network. It takes this amount of time because it always looks for a maximum possible 127 secondary controllers.
- When auto-config has completed, the detected controllers all appear in the Available Controllers grid, as shown below.

- The final step is to click the Apply button.
- A prompt appears confirming how many controllers are selected.
- Click yes to proceed and the auto configuration will complete.
- Once you see the Autoconfig Complete message in the Status Messages grid close the auto configuration window and
return to the hardware tree.
- Double click the primary controller to expand it, you will then see all the detected secondary controllers listed beneath the primary.

- You will notice that the secondary controllers all have update required icons against them. To perform the initial update on
the entire network, highlight the primary controller (#1) and click the large Update Network icon in the ribbon bar.

- New installations without any cardholders added should take no longer than a few minutes for this initial update to
complete. The update will, of course, take longer for existing installations or those which have been converted (such
as from Doors32).
- Once this update is complete your system is ready for configuration and operation.
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