Manual Enrollment in Visual Doors

Manual Enrollment in Visual Doors

Manual Cardholder Enrollment

  1. From the home screen click on the Cardholders tile.

    Cardholders Tile

  2. Click the Add icon.

    Add Icon

  3. The add cardholder window will appear.
  4. Enter a first name and a last name (a middle name is optional).

    First and Last Name

  5. Select the correct card Format (Keri NXT, Keri MS or Wiegand 26-bit) (1).
  6. Enter the card Imprint (this is the number typically printed on the top right-corner of the card) (2).
  7. Enter the Facility Code (this will usually be found on the box the cards arrived in) (3).

    Enter Card Details

  8. Set Never Expire to Yes to make the new card permanent.

    Never Expire

  9. Leave Never Expire at No then enter an activation date and expiration date to make the new card temporary.

    Temporary Card

  10. By default the new cardholder will be assigned Total Access (access to all doors, all day every day). Leave at Total Access or select an alternate valid group.

    Add New Cardholder

  11. If you are adding just a single card, click the Close button.
  12. You will see that the new cardholder has been added to the list on the left side.
  13. The new cardholder will automatically be sent out to the access control system.