I/O (Input/Output Linkage Using NXT 4x4 Modules

I/O (Input/Output Linkage Using NXT 4x4 Modules

1.0 Introduction

Borealis supports the ability to configure as use I/O linkage actions when using NXT or NXT-MSC controllers along with NXT 4x4 modules or, when using NXT-MSC controllers, with the addition of MR16IN or MR16OUT modules.


Note: When using an MR16IN or an MR16OUT module on a bus, you won't be able to use any other RS-485 device on that bus (such as an NXT reader, a 4x4 module or an NXT-RIM) an NXT reader is added, by default, so that will first need to be deleted.


This document explains how to setup various I/O linkage actions - such as configuring an output on a 4x4 module to follow the status of an input on the 4x4 module... the output will be active when the input is active and will be inactive when the input is inactive.


The following steps assume you have already followed the instructions for getting the NXT 4x4 or MR16 module online.




2.0 Configure an Output to Follow an Input

The following steps explain how to configure an output to follow the state of an input (either on the same module or from a different module that's wired into the same controller).

2.1 Re-name the Output you Wish to Control

  1. From the Borealis main menu, click on Hardware >> Outputs.
  2. Place a check mark next to the output that you wish to rename.

  3. Use the output Actions menu located on the right and select Edit.
  4. The output properties will appear.
  5. In the Description field rename the output.
  6. Click SUBMIT to save the output settings.


2.2 Re-name the Input Trigger

  1. From the Borealis main menu click on Hardware >> Inputs.
  2. Place a check mark against the input you wish to rename.

  3. Use the input Actions menu located on the right and select Edit.
  4. The input properties will appear.
  5. In the Description field rename the input.
  6. Leave the Input Type set as Monitor Point... (continued in the next section).


2.3 Configure the I/O Linkage Action

  1. From the Link Action menu select Follow.
  2. From the Linked Output menu select the output that you recently renamed.
  3. From the Linked Schedule menu select the schedule to determine when the link action will be active. Always means the selected output will always follow the configured input.
  4. The Belongs to Group should remain unchecked. This setting is used when you wish to require 2 of more inputs to be part of a group and the output will only change state when all inputs in the group are active.
  5. Click the SUBMIT button to save the I/O linkage configuration.

2.4 Test the I/O Linkage Functionality

You will now be able to test the I/O linkage functionality that you setup:
  1. Activate the input that you have configured.
  2. The corresponding output should then activate.
  3. From the main menu, click on live events.
  4. You will see events indicating that the linkage action has been activated.

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