NXT GIOX - LED Definitions
With GIOX Firmware 01.00.21, the LEDs have the following functions:
- USER LED2 - reserved for future use
- USER LED1 - reserved for future use
- DIAG - lit if board is REV B or older. Current is PCB REV
C, marked on back upper left.
- PWR FAULT - Current PCB REV C updates in realtime and
usually matches RELAY POWER OFF (exception is EMERG SW
active state), reports that EXT DC PWR missing when one or
more relay boards found on power up. REV B defines power
fault differently that a relay board found on power up when
RS485 power is present (older circuit cannot detect
distinguish between EXT DC and EXT DC PWR + RS485 power).
- TAMPER - realtime display of TAMPER SW lit=active
- EMERG GW - realtime display of EMERG SW lit = active
- RELAY POWER ON = Current PCB REV C this is a hardware
circuit, EMERG SW is inactive, and extenal power present,
previous REV this is a software/hardware circuit, EMERG SW
is inactive, and internal power is not present.
- RELAY POWER OFF = always opposite of RELAY POWER ON
- PWR ON = power is present, either RS485 or EXT DC PWR
- COMM DIR = blinks when communication response sent from
GIOX to NXT Controller
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