NXT-MSC Controller Setup in Visual Doors

NXT-MSC Controller Setup in Visual Doors

NXT-MSC Controller Setup

Manually Add NXT-MSC Controllers

NXT Mercury-Powered (MSC) controllers are typically added to the system using the Scan feature. However, there are some rare situations where the controller will have already been programmed with its IP address and simply needs to be manually added.

Note: To manually add an NXT-MSC controller you will need to know the controller's programmed IP address.

  1. Ensure the MSC controller is powered on and connected to the network.
  2. From the home screen click on the Hardware tile.

    Hardware tile

  3. If you have multiple, different controller types, ensure the MSC gateway is selected.
  4. Click the Manually Add Controller icon.

    MSC Manual Add

  5. Add a description for the new NXT-MSC controller.
  6. Click on the icon for the NXT-MSC controller type you are adding (2 door or 4 door).

    MSC Selected

  7. The new NXT-MSC controller will be immediately added to the hardware screen.
  8. Enter the controller's programmed IP address.
  9. Click outside of the IP address field, then click the green save icon.

    MSC IP Entered

  10. The red dot next to the controller should go green to indicate the controller is now online.

    Controller Now Online


Scan and Import NXT-MSC Controllers

The following section explains how to add NXT-MSC controllers via the Scan feature. The Scan feature polls the network and MSC gateway and automatically returns a list of all detected NXT-MSC controllers it finds.

  1. Ensure all the NXT-MSC controllers are connected to the network and are powered on.
  2. From the home screen, click the Hardware tile.

    Hardware tile

  3. If you have multiple, different controller types, ensure the MSC gateway is selected.

    MSC Gateway Selected

  4. Click on the Scan Network for Controller icon and the local network will be searched for MSC controllers.

    Scan Network Icon

  5. The detected controllers will be listed in the grid. Controllers with a green square against them are already online. Controllers with a red square against them are offline.

    Controllers Listed

  6. Select one of the offline NXT-MSC controllers.
  7. Click the IMPORT button.

    Note: Only 1 controller can be imported at a time.

    MSC Import Button

  8. The red square will turn yellow and then green (indicating that the NXT-MSC controller is now online to the MSC gateway)
  9. Close down the Scan window.
  10. The new MS controller will be displayed on the hardware screen and is ready to configure and use.

    MSC Controller Added

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