Make sure the RS-485 cable drain wire is connected to pin 3 on TB-1 on each controller in the network.
NOTE: The RS-485 wiring test will show if there are any PXL-250s that still have the R45 resistor. This resistor must be removed for the RS-485 wiring test to work properly. For information on how to test a specific controller and remove the R45 (2.2K) resistor, refer to the R45 (2.2K) Resistor Removal Application Note (P/N 01736-001).
• If LED11 is illuminated RED on every controller in the network, then the RS-485 negative wiring is ok.
• If LED12 is illuminated Green, then the + and - lines are reversed somewhere in the RS-485 wiring or at the
• If no LED is illuminated, then there is an open wire somewhere in the RS-485 wiring, at the controller, or the drain
• If both LEDs are illuminated on all controllers, then there is either a short in the wiring somewhere in the RS-485
wiring or at the controller, or there is one or more PXL-250s that still have the R45 resistor.
1. Once all controllers on the network have been checked and are operating correctly, return to the Primary controller.
2. Switch the jumper on JP9 from pins 1-2 to 2-3 on the Primary controller ONLY.
3. LED12 will illuminate GREEN continuously (it is ok for the red LED to be either off or flashing).
4. Check each Secondary unit on the system. The following guide will inform you of that controller’s status
• If LED12 is illuminated GREEN on every controller in the network, then the RS-485 positive wiring is ok.
• If LED11 is illuminated RED, then the + and - lines are reversed somewhere in the RS-485 wiring or at the controller.
• If no LED is illuminated, then there is an open wire somewhere in the RS-485 wiring, at the controller, or the drain
• If both LEDs are illuminated on all controllers, then there is either a short in the wiring somewhere in the RS-485
wiring or at the controller, or there is one or more PXL-250s that still have the R45 resistor.
Once all controllers on the network have been checked and are operating correctly, return to the Primary controller.
5. Remove the jumper from JP9 (be sure to keep the jumper in a place where it may be used in future tests).
6. Either perform a reset on the Primary controller, or perform an Autoconfig in Doors.NET The test is complete and the system is in operating order.
Note: LEDs 11 and 12 blinking when not in RS-485 wiring test mode is normal.