PXL Troubleshooting Guide

PXL Troubleshooting Guide

1.0 Introduction

Following is a list of possible scenarios you may encounter when setting up or using the PXL-500 controllers in Borealis. You will then see a possible solution or a list of possible solutions listed in order of the most likely cause:

2.0 The PXL-500 Primary Controller is Offline

  1. Is the controller powered-up? If the controller is powered and receiving the correct voltage it will have a solid green power LED (LED8).
  2. Ensure the controller is addressed as number 1 - The primary PXL should always be addressed as #1. Press the white S1 button and the controller address will be displayed.

  3. Ensure the JP6 and JP7 jumpers are OFF both the sets of pins - This configures the controller to communicate with the LAN-520 plug-on module.

  4. Verify the LAN-520 is correctly connected to the PXL controller. On the LAN-520 module you should be seeing 2 x green LEDs and 1 x amber LED. If you can see a red LED then the LAN-520 either has a fault, it is in programming mode, or there is an IP conflict on the network.

  5. Ensure the PXL is connected to the same physical network/subnet that the hub is connected to.
  6. If it is a new controller, has it been RAM reset? - If the controller is new you should perform a factory reset.
  7. Has the hub been added to a PXL-configured site? The hub will be configured to support PXL controllers only if the site it is added to, is configured for PXL controllers.

  8. Have you waited for the hub to update? You MUST wait for the hub to complete its initial update before adding controllers. Once the hub is online wait for the status to show 'Update Completed'. To verify the hub is updated click on the hub name on the Hubs screen and you will see a time and date stamp of when the hub was updated.

  9. Is the controller receiving the correct voltage? - (between 12 and 14 VDC)?
  10. Verify you can successfully ping the IP address of the LAN-520. If the client PC is on the same subnet as the PXL controller you can try pinging the IP address of the LAN-520 that's connected to the PXL primary controller.

  11. In the Borealis controller settings, ensure the port # is set as 10001. 

  12. Telnet into the LAN-520 and ensure the channel 1 port # is also 10001.

    Note: You will only be able to perform the following step if the client PC is on the same physical network/subnet as the hub and PXL primary controller.

    (Telnet [IP ADDRESS] 10001 - If connection is successful, a blinking curser will be displayed in the command prompt and the green link LED on the LAN-520 will be blinking on and off. If this does not connect over port 10001 then you won't be able to connect using Doors32/Doors.NET.

  13. Verify that the controller is enabled. Go into the controller properties and verify that the Enable option is checked.

  14. Is there a firewall on the router or a managed switch that could be blocking the communication port numbers? (10001 or 10021).
  15. Check the PXL firmware - LAN-520 only works with PXL firmware version 8.4.30 or later.

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