The Anti Passback (APB) feature provides one-way card access into and out of a secure area. It prevents a cardholder from using their card and then passing that card back to someone in order for them to gain unauthorized access.
Local APB is supported on PXL controllers, and on Mercury and Mercury Powered NXT controllers. Local APB is applied to a single door or between two doors on the same controller the functionality is built into these controller type and comes included in the standard version of Doors.NET.
Global APB is supported on Mercury and Mercury Powered NXT controllers in conjunction with the licensed Global Linkage feature. Global APB can be applied to multiple doors across multiple controllers.
When using the PXL controllers this feature requires the controller to be using door contacts which will report the door status to the controller. The controller needs to detect a certain series of events for APB to be applied; a valid card read (access granted) followed by Door Opened, then Door Closed. If the controller does not detect the door opening then the card will be able to gain access at the same reader again.
Amnesty resets the APB flag for a credential so that credential can be used again. Optionally, amnesty can be programmed per a selected time or manually issued immediately.
Three kinds of amnesty are available:
Referring to the Anti-Passback graphic above:
Amnesty can also be manually applied to a cardholder.