Troubleshooting LAN-520

Troubleshooting LAN-520

1.0 Cannot Connect to the PXL Network

- Check the LAN-520 IP address and port number is correct in the Doors.NET software. The IP address should match the address which has been programmed in the LAN-520.



- By default, the Server's Ethernet Port Number is set to 10021 and should not be changed unless it conflicts with another device on the host workstation.

- By default, the Remote Site Port Number is set to 10001 (both in the device and in the Doors.NET software). You can check this by making a Telnet connection to the device and check this value in the Channel 1 settings. This value should be at 10001 unless you have been instructed to change it by an IT or Network Administrator.


- When you attempt an auto-config, check the lower green network status LED. If it starts to blink slowly then the software is communicating with the LAN-520. Check that the JP6 and JP7 jumpers on the primary controller have been removed (this configures the controller for an Ethernet communication).


- Verify that the primary controller is receiving sufficient voltage (between 12 and 14VDC).


- Verify that the primary PXL controller is addressed as number 1.


- Telnet into the LAN-520 and set factory defaults (IP address with remain) - Ensure that the Gateway IP address is entered correctly.


- Ensure the PC is on the same IP range as the LAN-520. The best way to check this is to run Lantronix Device Installer (can be downloaded from and check that the device shows as Online.


2.0 The LAN-520 Has a Flashing Red LED

- The LAN-520 may have malfunctioned

- The LAN-520 has been assigned an IP address which already exists on the network.

- The LAN-520 may not be properly connected to the TB13 Ethernet port.


3.0 The LAN-520 Has Only the Top Green LED Illuminated

- Verify that the Ethernet cable is not disconnected at the LAN-520 or the network hub/switch.

- Verify that the network hub/switch has not developed a fault.

- If using a cross-over cable check that the Ethernet cable is plugged into the PC


4.0 Cannot Ping the IP Address of the LAN-520

- There is no power to the LAN-520 unit.

- The IP address may not be programmed properly.

- Another device on the network has that same IP address (you should be seeing a flashing red LED on the unit if this is the case).

- The workstation has not been granted access to that segment of the network.

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