Operators and Permissions
Change the Admin Password Notification
1.0 Introduction This feature allows the system administrator to control the amount of time between password changes for all users of the system. The default setting is every 90 days for new systems. An upgraded system will be set to Never until the ...
Change Operator Password Strength
1.0 Introduction Effective from Doors.NET v_4.0.2 is it now possible to increase the required strength of the operator passwords. Once set, all operator passwords will be required to meet the minimum password level. Doors.NET has a default password ...
Application Permissions
1.0 Introduction The Application Permissions use the Account Type to determine which menus are hidden or disabled from the user. This is in addition to the user group settings which control which Gateways, Controllers, Access Groups, and indirectly, ...
Operator Permissions
1.0 Introduction The Operators Permissions feature allows you to create software users and operator groups. You can then assign different permissions to the groups, (so that certain features can be hidden/shown for the different users). User account ...
Create a new System Administrator
1.0 Create a new System Administrator It is a very quick and simple process to add an additional system administrator. By default, all system administrators have full permission to access all the hardware, plus all access groups and other main ...