The Access Rights page displays a list of all the access groups that have been defined on the system. Access Groups consist of the readers on the system, along with the associated time schedules. Once access groups have been added to the system they are assigned to cardholders via the cardholder Access Rights tab.
The access rights defined the where (the reader) and the when (the associated time schedule) for granting access purposes. Click the tree expansion box (plus sign at the left of the access group name), to view which readers and time schedules are part of that group. Each reader in an access group may have a different or same selection of time schedule as the other listed readers. A change to an access group immediately affects any cardholders that are assigned that access group.
* When using the PXL family of hardware there are limitations placed upon the access groups that can be assigned to a cardholder. Refer to the 'PXL Access Rights Limitations' section for further information about this.