New System Grace Period

New System Grace Period

New systems enter a Setup period when the system will be fully functional without payment for 7 days. Each time a user logs into Borealis they will see notification that the system is within the setup period and will state how many days remain until payment is required. 

Why the New System Grace Period Was Added:

Previously, installers were unable to complete system setup until payment was made, causing delays and inefficiencies. This grace period enables installers to bring the system online and fully operational without waiting for immediate payment, providing flexibility to coordinate with management and finalize payment during the setup process.

If payment is not made the hub will no longer sync after the expiry date (so changes will not go out to the controller network).

To clear the setup period and make the system fully active all pending subscription items will need to be paid. Refer to the Borealis payment and billing document for further information:
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