NXT Controller Setup

NXT Controller Setup

1.0 Introduction

The following document explains how to add a Standard NXT (2 or 4-door) controller to Borealis. It assumes you have already created a site (configured for Standard NXT) and have also added and claimed a hub to that site.

  1. Standard NXT controllers do not use DHCP address assignment and therefore will need to have a static IP address manually assigned.
  2. Before adding a Standard NXT Controller to Borealis you should perform a factory reset on the controller - this will ensure the controller has no IP assigned.
  3. The controllers will need to be added to the same physical network that the hub has been added to.

2.0 Finding out the DHCP Address Assigned to the Hub

Even though the Standard NXT controllers do not use DHCP address assignment, the controllers will need to be assigned a static IP address that's in the same range of the hub's IP address. The following steps explains how to find out the IP address that is assigned to the hub. The following steps assumes that the hub is online and has completed its initial update.

  1. From the Borealis main menu click on Hubs.

  2. The hub screen will display and the hub should be showing as Online.
  3. Click on the name of the hub and you will see the hub details.
  4. Make a note of the IP address that is assigned to the hub (as highlighted here, the hub's assigned IP address is - so the address to assign the controller will need to begin 192.168.1).

  5. Click Hubs again from the main menu to return to the hub screen.

3.0 Scanning for the Standard NXT Controller

  1. From the hub screen locate the Action drop-down menu on the right side of the screen.
  2. From the menu select Scan.

  3. The scan function will scan the local network for Standard NXT controllers.
  4. After approximately 30 seconds any detected NXT controllers will be displayed.

4.0 Assigning the Static IP address to the controller

4.1 Verify the Desired IP Address is Not In Use 

Note: If the admin client PC is also on the same physical network as the hub it is a good idea to open a command prompt and then ping the IP address that you wish to assign the controller. If there is no reply then you will know the IP address is unused and therefore available to assign to the controller.
  1. On the admin client host PC, in the Windows Start Menu, enter CMD.
  2. Select to Run as Administrator.
  3. A command prompt window will appear.
  4. Enter ping followed by the IP address that you wish to assign the controller.
  5. Press <ENTER>.
  6. Verify that you get no reply from the IP address.

  7. If there is no reply then this IP address can be assigned to the controller.

4.2 Set the Static IP Address and Claim the Controller

  1. Return to the Borealis client.
  2. Place a check mark against the controller you wish to add.
  3. Enter a description for the controller.
  4. Enter the IP address that you wish to assign to the controller.

  5. Click the CLAIM button.
  6. You will see a notification at the top of the screen that the controller has been successfully claimed.
  7. From the main menu click on Hardware >> Controllers.
  8. The new controller will be displayed but initially the controller status will be Unknown.

  9. Please wait up to 2 minutes for the Standard NXT controller to come online.

    Note: This delay only occurs when the controller is initially added to the system.

  10. Once controller is online it will be ready for configuration and use.

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